Ciao! Hello! I am Sarina!
This page we will do Katakana lesson together!
Have you already tried to learn Hiragana?
If not yet here is the lesson for Hiragana!

So, now, Let’s enjoy study Katakana together!
This is Katakana
Look at this please!

These are Katakana.
Pronunciation is same as Hiragana.
So now let’s check if your pronunciation is correct!
Go to Online Nihongo which is my recommended site for check pronunciation!
You can listen all of Hiragana pronunciation there!
When will you use Katakana
Katakana is using for the word came from foreign such as Hotel, ice cream and chocolate.
Hotel in Japanese called [HO TE RU].
This word is actually same as English,
so when we write [HO TE RU] we use Katakana. It is like [ホテル].
Also, ice cream, we called [A I SU KU RI – MU]
so we write [アイスクリーム].
and chocolate is [チョコレート]. Pronounce is [CHO KO RE – TO].
Katakana is using for the country names as well like America, Brazil, Australia,,,etc.
We use Katakana for writing foreign country name.
However, we do not use Katakana for the country where use Kanji such as China, Taiwan and Korea.
These countries are using Kanji, so when we write these country name in japanese, we use Kanji or Hiragana.
China is called [CHU U GO KU] and write
[中国(Kanji)]or [ちゅうごく(Hiragana)] .
also Taiwan [台湾], Korea[韓国]
And also Katakana will use for someone’s name from overseas.
like Justin bierber, Shwan mendes,
We write Katakana like [ジャスティン・ビーバー][ショーン・メンデス]
Katakana pronounce is same as Hiragana.
How to write Katakana
Katakana has a stroke order same as Hiragana!
For example [ア](A)stroke order
like this.
The reason why we have a stroke order is
- Easy to write
(Because there is no waste in brush strokes) - Easy to arrange and read characters
(Because the overall shape and line direction are stable) - Make it easier to remember letters
(Because there is a rule that the same shape has the same stroke order)
So, It is really important to know about stroke order!
That actually I wrote for Hiragana page as well.

Let’s practice for your writing
The best way to remember Katakana is just write so many times!
So I made PDF to help your self studying for Katakana!

like this.
You can see the pronunciation and stroke order.
And you can practice your writing for 14 times in the table below!
I also put one word using Hiragana:-)
You can download the PDF [ア] to [ン] here → Katakana all(PDF)
You can download and practice your Hiragana
if you want!
Let’s Enjoy your study:-)
Have a good day!