Ciao Hello This is Sarina!
Today you can study grammar
[N1 は N2 です。](Noun1 wa Noun2 Desu.)
Let’s see what is it and how to use!
Before do this lesson I recommended to do HIRAGANA lesson if yo do not know how to read them!
Here is the article for your HIRAGANA Lesson!

Enjoy your study!
What is 名詞文(めいしぶん)
名詞文(めいしぶん)pronounced (MeIShi BuN)
名詞(めいし)means [Noun]
文(ぶん)means [sentence]
So 名詞文 means [sentence which is using Noun]
名詞文 is making with [です(だ・である)]
So 名詞文 is
【名詞(めいし)+ です。(だ・である)】
(Noun + Desu.(Da/DeARu))
What is 名詞(めいし)
名詞(めいし)is the word which is name of the person, things, places etc,,,, such as [くるま(KuRuMa=Car)][ほん(HoN=book)][つくえ(TsuKuE=desk)]etc….
名詞(めいし)doesn’t have conjugation (名詞 will not change the shape).
There are 5 kinds of 名詞(めいし).
- 普通名詞(ふつうめいし/FuTsuUMeIShi)
= A noun that represents the name of a general things such as 飛行機(ひこうき/Air plane)・机(つくえ/Desk)・時間(じかん/Time)etc..
- 固有名詞(こゆうめいし/KoYuUMeIShi)
=Place names, personal names, unique names. the noun which has only one such as 日本(にほん/Japan)・ロンドン(ろんどん/London)・さりな(name)・東京大学(とうきょうだいがく/Tokyo university)etc.. - 数詞(すうし/SuUShi)
=A noun that represents the number, quantity, and order of nouns such as 10本(じゅっぽん)・1つ(ひとつ)・100円(ひゃくえん)etc.. - 代名詞(だいめいし/DaIMeIShi)
=Used instead of the Nouns that represent people, things, places such as わたし(I)・これ(This)・そこ(There)etc… - 形式名詞(けいしきめいし/KeIShiKiMeIShi)
=形式名詞(けいしきめいし・Formal noun)is using with adnominal modifiers (the word which is explain more detail about 名詞(めいし))
Doesn’t have any meaning and cannnot use only 形式名詞(けいしきめいし)and cannot use the beginning of the sentence such as 行くこと(こと)・着るもの(もの)
名詞文【N1 は N2 です。】
[N] means [名詞(めいし)=Noun]
So for 名詞文(めいしぶん)【N1 は N2 です。】 has 2nouns.
pronounced [N1 Wa N2 DeSu.]
What is 【N1は】?
【N1】 is noun1 show the Subject or Topic.
【N1は】indicates that the speaker is about to talk about or explain【N1】,Or 【N1】is the subject or topic of the sentence.
What is 【N2】?
【N2】is noun2.
【N2】 is explain the attributes and situation of【N1】or showing【N1】and 【N2】is match
What is 【です。(だ・である)】
When you make Japanese sentence, normally it will not finish with 名詞(めいし)like [これ(N1=④代名詞)は くるま(N2=①普通名詞) (KoReWa KuRuMa/This is a car)].
We need to add [です。 or だ。or である。] after N2.
[です。] is making polite sentence, so we use [です。] for daily conversations.
※[だ。][である。] generally use for writing.
Example of 名詞文【N1はN2です】

① わたしは アメリカ人です。
(WaTaShi Wa AMeRiKa JiN DeSu= I am American)
(N1) is [わたし=I] (N2) is [アメリカ人=American]
= ((N2)is explain the attributes and situation of (N1))
You can introduce your name with [わたしは (your name)です。]
(KyoU Wa ShiGaTsu JuUIChiNiChi DeSu=Today is 11th of April)
(N1) is [きょう=Today] (N2) is [4がつ11にち=11th of April]
=((N1) and (N2) is match ※[N1=N2]=11th of April is Today also work)
③かれは がくせいです。
(KaRe Wa GaKuSeI DeSu=He is a student)
(N1)is [かれ=He](N2)is [がくせい=Student]
=((N2)is explain the attributes and situation of (N1))
So, now you can study some Noun and You can try to make some 名詞文!
N1は N2です。
Thank you for reading!
Have a good day!