Do you know how to say your name in japanese?
If you want to study Japanese, it is better if you can introduce yourself in Japanese!!
So this time, we will think how to introduce yourself in Japanese!
Things to say when you introduce yourself
At first let think what do you need to say when you introduce yourself!
There has so many combination to say introduce yourself.
But in this article, you can study how to say,
- Greeting (Hello)
- My name (I am Sarina)
- My nationality (I am Japanese)
- My hobby or what I like (My hobby is Japanese callygraphy)
- Nice to meet you!
These 5 things in Japanese!

How to introduce yourself in Japanese?
Let’s see how to say 5 things for introduce yourself!
- Greeting (Hello)
- My name (I am Sarina)
- My country/nationality (I am from Japan/I am Japanese)
- My hobby or what I like (My hobby is Japanese callygraphy)
- Nice to meet you
① Greeting
When you met someone first time you say
means [Nice to meet you] but we use はじめまして。when we met first time.
Did you check article about Greeting(あいさつ)?
If not yet you can check here ↓

② My name
When you say your name like [I am <your name>]
You can say
わたしは<Your name>です。[WaTaShi Wa <Your name> DeSu]
For example, if I want to say [I am Sarina]
I can say わたしは さりな です。[WaTaShi Wa Sarina DeSu]
わたし means [I]
③ My country/nationality
There has two way to say your country.
one is [I came from <Your country>] and the other is
[I am <nationality>].
But this time, we use <nationality> so How to say
[I am <nationality>] is
わたしは <nationality(=Your country+じん)> です。
[WaTaShi Wa <nationality> Desu]
So to say [I am Japanese] in Japanese is
[わたしは にほんじん です。]
(WaTaShiWa NiHoNJin DeSu)
④My hobby or what I like
[My hobby is <Your hobby> ]
You can say
わたしの しゅみは <Your hobby>です。
[WaTaShiNo ShuMiWa <Your hobby> Desu.]
hobby in Japanese is [しゅみ(Syumi)]
[わたしの(WaTaShiNo)] in [My]
[hobby] is [しゅみ]=My hobby is
For example
My hobby is callygrahpy.
callygraphy in japanese is [しゅうじ(SyuUJi)]
so I can say
[わたしの しゅみは しゅうじ です。]
[WaTaShiNo SyuMiWa SyuUJi DeSu]
⑤ Nice to meet you
We have already told that [はじめまして (HaJiMeMaShiTe)]
at first. And it means [Nice to meet you]
But we only say [はじめまして] when we meet first time and
the beginning of introduce.
And the last we say
[よろしく おねがいします。](YoRoShiKu ONeGaIShiMaSu)
which means [Nice to meet you.]
but it means more like a [Please] so when you say at end of the introduce it means like a [Please be a good friend with me!]
So, we say this at the last of the introduce.
It also can be a sign for [finish my introduce].
We start with [はじめまして。]
and end with [よろしく おねがいします。]
Now let see template for introduce yourself!
Template for introduce yourself in Japanese
- Greeting (Hello)
- My name (I am Sarina)
- My country/nationality (I am from Japan/I am Japanese)
- My hobby or what I like (My hobby is Japanese callygraphy)
- Nice to meet you
<Introduce yourself in Japanese>
わたしは <Your name>です。
<Nationality = (Country+じん)>です。
しゅみは <Your Hobby>です。
よろしく おねがいします。
わたしは <さりな>です。
しゅみは <しゅうじ>です。
よろしく おねがいします。
- はじめまして。
Pronounce: HaJiMeMaShiTe.
Meaning: Nice to meet you (Use beginning of introduce or when you meet someone at first time) - わたしは <Your name>です。
Pronounce: WaTaShiWa <Your name>DeSu.
Meaning: I am <name> - <Nationality = (Country+じん)>です。
Meaning: (I am) Nationality - しゅみは <Your Hobby>です。
Pronounce: SyuMiWa <Your Hobby> Desu.
Meaning: (My) hobby is <hobby> - よろしく おねがいします。
Pronounce: YoRoShiKu ONeGaIShiMaSu.
Meaning: Nice to meet you (Please be a friend with me!)
So, now you can try to make your own introduce!
If you need some vocabulary to say your <nationality> and <hobby>, you can find the article below!

Let’s try to make your own introduce!!!
Have a good day!